Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Find the Heron

The great blue heron has been revealing himself to me of late when I traverse the Indian Creek Trail. This magnificent messenger represents peace, independence and individuality as a Native American totem, which is a spirit guide, a guardian angel of sorts.

As I seek out the blue heron when I take time to commune with nature I also search everyday for peace in my life. The Bible says to seek peace and pursue it, that there is a future for the man of peace, that peace is a fruit of the Spirit and God himself. Peace means healing, hope and harmony with yourself, other people, nature, God and everything and everyone in our world. Peace is the restorative and rejuvenating power given to us and wielded through us. The choices we make give or wrench away the peace we have to offer. And we must first make peace with ourselves before it is possible to make peace with others. How can a country in civil war comprehend how to bring peace to another people? The answer is to cultivate peace within in order to manifest peace without.

As I walk at dawn and look for my sign of peace I hope that my thoughts will be healing to myself and that my actions will leave a trail of peace in my wake. I hope the same for you.

I look first within

To comprehend

My gray Spirit guide

Through which I thrive

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My First iPhone Post

Now I can post from my iPhone via my email or SMS! Now you are linked
to my mind anytime. The only setback is the lack of spellcheck, but
perhaps that will be an amicablly human quality.

I can post pictures like this one of the Walsworh parking lot.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Endorphins are my friends
The Inner works they mend
When I elect to spend
Exertion for its end